Oklahoma Union is accepting applicants for the following positions:
BUS DRIVERS: Oklahoma Union Public Schools has Bus route positions available. Routes range from 3 hours to 4 hours per day. Pay starts at $21.00 per hour. Applicants must have current CDL with passenger and school endorsement and current Oklahoma State Department of Education certification. We can help you with certification. Contact Brenda Taylor, Superintendent at 918-255-6551 or btaylor@okunion.k12.ok.us Upon job offering, applicant will be required to pass both a drug test and criminal background check before official hire.
ELEMENTARY (PK-5) PRINCIPAL: Must successfully pass a background check and pre-employment drug test that is satisfactory to the Board of Education. Experience, maturity and leadership abilities in appropriate facets of school administration. Must be ensitive to the needs and objectives of the student, school and district; possess the ability to supervise, evaluate, and manage the work of others and leadership skills in the area of curriculum development, management, and evaluation. Contact Brenda Taylor at btaylor@okunion.k12.ok.us
ASSISTANT SOFTBALL COACH: Assistant coach to assist and support the head softball coach in various aspects of team management, including implementing the head coach's strategies and vision, and supporting the overall direction of the team for the 2025-2026 school year. Oklahoma Teacher Certification or Para professional certification preferred. Must have experience and knowledge of softball. Applicant must be willing to obtain all required OSSAA coaching certifications including CPR/First Aid. Must be willing to obtain an Oklahoma school bus driving license. Upon job offering, applicant will be required to pass both a drug test and criminal background check before official hire. To apply for this position, submit a cover letter, resume and references to OKU Athletic Director Riley Duncan at rduncan@okunion.k12.ok.us