Internet Use Policy
Oklahoman Union Computer Use Policy
Section A: Rules and Regulations
- Availability and use of computer resources is restricted to actively enrolled students and current employees of Oklahoma Union Public Schools. Use of computer resources is a privilege, not a right. Therefore access to computer resources may be immediately disabled, suspended or revoked if abused.
- Computer access (assigned login) is not to be shared with other users; when evidence of account sharing is found, all parties involved will be considered to be in violation of this policy.
- Users are responsible for the security of their own account and password. Consequently, account owners are responsible for actions taken from their account by any person, whether or not the action was taken with the owner’s knowledge or permission. Actions that violate these policies can result in immediate disabling, suspension, and/or revocation of the account owner’s privileges.
- All computer resources and facilities of Oklahoma Union School shall be used solely for legitimate and authorized academic, instructional, research, administrative and public service purposes.
- Any unauthorized or illegitimate use of computer accounts, resources or facilities will subject the violators to appropriate disciplinary, criminal and/or legal action by Oklahoma Union School. This includes any type of physical abuse to hardware, software, data, or facilities, as well as deliberate violation of any of the policies described in this document.
- Any person who has been authorized to use the computing resources shall be expected to regard all copyrighted personal or proprietary information that may thereby become available to him/her as confidential, unless he/she obtains from the owner written permission to copy, modify, or otherwise use any part of it. Any software, for which Oklahoma Union School has obtained a license, will be used in accordance with the terms of the license.
- Each user’s programs and data are considered his/her private property. Users shall therefore not attempt to access, copy, modify, replace, delete or otherwise make use of any other user’s account or its contents. Users also shall not harass or annoy other users, not subject other users to obscene and/or offensive language and/or pictures through the campus network.
- Users shall not attempt to copy, modify, replace, delete or gain unauthorized access to any software component or data file that is part of, or is used by, the computer operating and/or other computer management programs.
- The technology director, principals, and superintendent reserve the right to access, duplicate, and/or delete user data and programs for appropriate management purposes such as, but not restricted to: backups, policy adherence, file cleanup, system integrity/security assurance, and computer trouble shooting.
- Users must not attempt unauthorized modification or repair or any equipment owned or controlled by Oklahoma Union Schools. No equipment will be connected to or disconnected from the network or individual computers without prior, written permission from the technology director. All purchases of computer equipment to be used in conjunction with Oklahoma Union School’s computer system, either/or stand alone or networked, shall be approved by the technology director before the issuing of a warrant. Any computer repair to be paid for by the Oklahoma Union School will be approved by the technology director before instigation of the repair process.
- Computer resources shall not be used for non-academic work without the written permission of the technology director and a principal or superintendent. Non-academic work includes, but is not limited to: personal record keeping, game-playing that is not determined as educational, and any task related to the management of private business. Games that involve death, violence, destruction, or that violate the moral norms of the community will not be authorized.
- Oklahoma Union School and its authorized personnel reserve the right to perform computer resource management function, which include but are not limited to: setting priorities on the use of computer facilities, limiting or denying access to computer resources when system maintenance or repairs are required, or when environmental conditions present and risk to users or equipment.
- User programs and data are considered his/her private property as long as it does not violate this policy. Therefore user programs and data are his/her responsibility. While efforts are made to ensure that reasonable security and backup procedures are carried out, Oklahoma Union School and its authorized technical personnel shall not be held liable for damage to, theft of, or loss of, user programs and data by means of procedural error, equipment malfunction, vandalism, or natural or manmade disaster.
- Any computer or other forms of technology brought to the school with or without permission of the technology director becomes subject to the policies and regulation of Oklahoma Union School, the state of Oklahoma, and the United States.
Section B: Using Software
Software enables us to accomplish many different tasks with computers. Unfortunately, in order to get their work done quickly and conveniently, some people justify making and using unauthorized copies of software or other copyrighted data. They may not understand the implication of their actions or the restrictions of the United States copyright law.
- Unauthorized copying of software is illegal. Copyright law protects software authors and publishers, just as patent law protects inventors.
- Unauthorized copying of software by individuals can harm the entire academic community. If unauthorized copying proliferated on a campus, the institution may incur a legal liability. The institution may find it more difficult to negotiate agreements that would make software more widely and less expensively available to members of the academic community.
- Unauthorized copying of software can deprive developers of a fair return for their work, increase prices, and reduce the level of future support and enhancement. And inhibit the development of new software products.
- As members of the academic community, we value the free exchange of ideas. Just as we do not tolerate plagiarism, we do not condone the unauthorized copying of software, including programs, applications, databases and code.
- In general users and account holders of this system do not have the right to receive and use unauthorized copies of software, or make unauthorized copies of software including downloading of music or games from the Internet.